How knowledgeable are you about the steps you can take to make accessing your service easier and safer for LGBTQIA+ young people?
How confident are you in involving LGBTQIA+ young people in the design and delivery of your service?
How confident are you in your ability to build trust and rapport with young LGBTQIA+ people to promote honest conversations?
How knowledgeable are you about the needs of young LGBTQIA+ people in your area who may need your services?
How knowledgeable are you about the reasons why many young LGBTQIA+ people are reluctant to reach out for mental health support in our current system?
How would you rate your level of confidence to set up safe spaces that allow for honest conversations around mental health crisis?
How confident are you in engaging with young LGBTQIA+ people experiencing a mental health crisis?
How knowledgeable are you about the key challenges that young LGBTQIA+ people face when accessing or trying to access mental health support?
How similar/different do you think the key challenges are for young Black men in accessing crisis care when compared to other racial/ethnic groups?
Anything you’d like to say to the team (e.g. about the training, the course, the staff you’ve met, the learning guide themselves)?.*