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How to wrap things up

In this guide we talk you through some practical ways that you can work with us to make a plan, and end the conversation. 


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Average completion time: 15 minutes

What you will learn

By the end of this guide you will have:

  • Techniques to help you build a plan that works for both of us 
  • Top tips to help wrap things up well
  • Our advice on ending a conversation in a way where we both feel safe and secure

Sections in this guide:

  • Acknowledgment and reassurance

    We discuss how to get the conversation to a point where it is ready to be brought to an end
  • Working together towards next steps

    In this section we talk you through practical collaboration methods and how to apply them in planning our next steps.
  • Ending the conversation

    In this section, we will go through the key steps to take when bringing the conversation to an end.
  • Conclusion

    A summary of what we have covered in this guide.