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When wrapping things up, it is a good opportunity to acknowledge, validate and reassure us, which might make our future interactions with crisis workers and other health professionals easier.

As one young person put it, ‘in that moment when everything chaotic, she took time to make me feel calm’, your interactions with young people have lasting effects, and positive interactions will stay with us.

Remember to apply the ‘Ask, Actively listen and Offer’ structure of our collaborative working tools when agreeing the ‘next steps’. The next steps you take will depend on your job role, but our practical tips will help you and the young people you work with develop next steps to make them feel safe after being in crisis.

If you have to signpost or refer out to external agencies, try to arrange an introduction because you will probably know the service/department more than the young person.

Also remember to take some time to look after yourself as well. We know that you are busy and work hard to do the best you can, so make sure that you are showing yourself the same compassion as you show others.