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Post learning questions

Post learning questions

In order to understand if this learning guide has been useful we are going to ask you some questions before and after you’ve used it. We will link your responses to help us understand whether or not it has been helpful. There are no right or wrong answers.

You can save time and effort by registering, which will pre-fill all the key information as well as many other benefits.

Question 1 / 13

1. What is your primary motivation for using Crisis Tools?

What has brought you here today?

2. Where do you see yourself using the information you learn from Crisis Tools most?

3. Where in England do you live?

4. How old are you?

We know that age is just a number but it really helps us to know who is using our platform!

5. How would you currently describe your gender?

6. How would you describe your ethnicity?

7. Where did you hear about Crisis Tools?

8. How similar/different do you think the key challenges are for young Black men in accessing crisis care when compared to other racial/ethnic groups?

9. How knowledgeable are you about the key challenges that young Black men face when accessing or trying to access mental health support?

10. How confident are you in engaging with a young Black man experiencing a mental health crisis?

11. Would you recommend this learning guide?

12. What difference do you expect this guide to have in the way you support young people in mental health crisis?

13. Anything you’d like to say to the team (e.g. about the training, the course, the staff you’ve met, the learning guide themselves)?.*

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