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What we need crisis services and practitioners to know

This module will examine what young Black men in crisis need from mental health services they access.

This learning guide was created in partnership with 42nd Street’s Jet42 group to explore the experiences of young Black men accessing crisis support.

Start Guide
Average completion time: 15 minutes

What you will learn

By the end of this guide you will have:

An understanding of what young Black men need from mental health crisis support, and how this may differ from other groups.

Recognition of how previous experiences of a young Black man or those of others around them can impact interactions with mental health services.

Sections in this guide:

  • How we want to be treated

    This video provides insight into how young Black men want to be treated when you meet them and shares useful phrases and gestures which help build rapport and make them feel welcome or safe.
  • Representation

    This video highlights the need for representation in young Black men’s care teams or community mental health role models and its impact on their trust in mental health services.
  • Communication

    Communication is utilised in many different ways and is essential to support young Black men who are accessing support. This video provides some tips for effective verbal communication and how to use medical records in a non-restrictive manner.
  • Experience of crisis support

    This video provides some small steps to make a difference in interactions with young black men and make their experience as positive as possible.
  • Sectioning

    Conversations about sectioning can be difficult for young Black men. This video focuses on some of the contexts that explain why sectioning is a complex subject for most young Black men and how you can have the conversation when necessary.